Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cultural Milieu

Touchdown Alexander

Shaun Alexander born on August 30, 1977, in Florence, Kentucky. We all know that Kentucky isnt the safest place for african americans even today. It has always been a high racial place. But when Shaun was born he never really had it easy. Growing up in a single parent home with his brother. Father leaving him at a very young age. But the look back he has on life saying "God is my father and i know he will be there every second of my life".  Just like everyone else that doesnt have a father figure in their life, Shaun would break down in tears. But what really seperated him from others was when he got bullied or got made fun of, he didnt wish for the worst or hate the people that did that to him. He prayed for them to become happier people and live happier lives. His best friend of course was his older brother, they played football together and did mostly everything together. "One thing I've been doing since I was a little kid and that's score touchdowns so if somebody needs somebody to get in the red zone and do some work, I could probably still do that pretty well." Shaun alexander, football has been his passion since a little boy.

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