Wednesday, May 1, 2013


      Like in most stories about players in the NFL, it ends with the person having many records broken, many games won, and maybe in the Hall of Fame ballot. Well Shaun broke records, went to the Superbowl, and got to experience being the best running back in the league one year. Not many people can say that. But he did have a bad year after that and eventually retired but in his heart and the heart of his fans he showed more then retiring. He showed he was willing to give everything he had for his team. Now he lives a wonderful life in Washington with his wife and kids and wants to become a movie director. How this compares to "How Fleas change the world", is the domino affect. He gave everything he had when he had nothing but himself, he started following God more and more, he continued to be faithful and love his family, and now he got repaid back with records, stats, and being one of the best running backs ever.

Works Cited
·       Alexander, Shaun. “Touchdown Alexander.” SFX Football (2006): 21. St. Louis. Novel. 21 Apr. 2013.
·        “How a Flea Changed the World.” Turning Point Conference. TCC Northwest Campus, Fort Worth. 24 Apr. 2013. Conference Session.
·       Alexander Shaun. Touchdown Alexander. St. Louis: Suite, 2006. Print.


            The author in this book showed many different types of language to get his point across of Shaun's eventful life. He showed imagery to show how hard and how much he experienced in the NFL, college , and his childhood. His life was not easy at all, actually a little bit harder then some who make it to the NFL. The author also used symbolism to show how passionate he was about God and his future wife. It showed how much he loved to go to church and how he was willing to give everything for the Lord. Also the love for his wife was amazing, he honestly didn't have sex with her until they got married. Most people in the world cant say they did that.


           The conflict for Shaun Alexander was like every other college football player in the world. Drinking, girls, not going to class, and falling apart in his relationship with God. This happens to some college football players, actually more then you think, you just don't here about it. Going into the University of Alabama, he just wanted to fit in and basically follow the crowd, soon did he find out that isn't the right thing to do cause it could kick you off the team. His freshman year wasn't his best year and that's for sure. But soon he found out that he cant live his life like that anymore and actually grew closer to God. From all of his sin that he had, it brought him closer and learned what it really takes to love God and started going to church every day!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cultural Milieu

Touchdown Alexander

Shaun Alexander born on August 30, 1977, in Florence, Kentucky. We all know that Kentucky isnt the safest place for african americans even today. It has always been a high racial place. But when Shaun was born he never really had it easy. Growing up in a single parent home with his brother. Father leaving him at a very young age. But the look back he has on life saying "God is my father and i know he will be there every second of my life".  Just like everyone else that doesnt have a father figure in their life, Shaun would break down in tears. But what really seperated him from others was when he got bullied or got made fun of, he didnt wish for the worst or hate the people that did that to him. He prayed for them to become happier people and live happier lives. His best friend of course was his older brother, they played football together and did mostly everything together. "One thing I've been doing since I was a little kid and that's score touchdowns so if somebody needs somebody to get in the red zone and do some work, I could probably still do that pretty well." Shaun alexander, football has been his passion since a little boy.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Touchdown Alexander


             Shaun Alexander born on August 30, 1977, in Florence, Kentucky. This book goes through his main points of his life. Growing up in a very hard childhood, not having what he always wanted. He needed to find a way to succeed in what he loves the most which is family, football, and The Lord. This inspirational and life changing story will make you have a different outlook on life and made me wonder if im living my life The lord wants me to live. Shaun gives everything he had to get through all the trial and tribulations that come with being a starting running back for a huge D1 school, losing faith in The Lord, and having a chance to be one of the football players to ever play the game. This fast pase book will keep you reading and reading all the way through the whole thing. His hall of fame career for the Seattle seahawks, his amazing career at Boone highschool, and his record setting years at the University of Alabama. One of the best sports related books out and a life changing testimony that will keep your heart racing.
"Always play every game like my back is against the wall, that this could be it." Shaun Alexander.